At the age of 70 years , in April this year, I underwent valvular  heart surgery performed by Doctor Parma Nand and his team.
I had open heart surgery with the mitral and the aortic valves being replaced.

I did have pre-operation fears but was put at ease with Dr Parma Nand’s interview with me and my daughter where he explained the full surgery procedure and the replacement valve options.
Our choices were made very clear.
We were free to ask questions.
Apart from Dr Parma Nand’s face to face meeting with us,  we
were given lots of reading material about the procedure. Pictures illustrated the heart and it’s anatomy and the valve replacement process ,giving us a good understanding of the procedure. With this knowledge I had more confidence.
I had a preop briefing with anesthetist, Shay McGuiness also. That helped ease other fears also.

The operation was performed on Monday, 4 April in the afternoon and by Tuesday afternoon I was out of intensive care and transferred to the recovery ward.
I was amazed at how I did not feel as much pain and discomfort as I expected.
Doctor Parma Nand and the anesthetist , Shay McGuiness were there to check on how I was doing and seeing their satisfaction with my state and recovery at that stage was very assuring and I then realized the success of the operation.
It gave me that motivation to do my part for a speedy recovery.

The aftercare, post operation nursing staff were wonderful. Their patience and encouragement must be commended. They had that personal touch which I am most grateful for and which contributed to my enjoyable stay in hospital and a faster recovery.

Hospital bathroom facilities were very well designed for patients such as I in recovery. Toiletries provided were ideal and any basic thing one required was provided in case you forget to bring something.

Physiotherapy was crucial in getting me up and moving about in no time. The daily exercises were valuable to my breathing properly and upper body recuperation.

The hospital meals were superb.   Nutritious and tasty choices served attractively to make one want to eat. 

I was discharged on the morning of the 7th day after my surgery,  only 6 days spent post operation in hospital.
The dressings over the sternum wound were changed and the healing of the wound was remarkable.
I left the hospital, emotional about the surgery that has given me a second chance at life and the wonderful team and the hands that performed the surgery and the wonderful staff members who were all involved in some way.
A big VINAKA VAKALEVU to Mercy Ascot and all your staff for everything.

My daughter and another member of  my family who came to collect me on discharge were amazed that I came walking out without any assistance. Despite that we were mindful of movements detrimental to the healing of the sternum.
As part of the after care after discharge from hospital I remained in Auckland for  5 weeks where Dr Parma Nand did weekly follow up checks on me.
Regular INR blood tests were performed at home with a meter provided by the hospital.
Results were given to Dr Parma Nand and warfarin doses administered on his instructions.
I was given the final check and clearance in that 5th week to fly back to Fiji and with that all medical reports relevant to my surgery.
The communication between me, Dr Parma Nand and Sweety Mody was prompt and timely in all matters with those concerned especially to enable acquiring mine and my daughter’s  visas to Auckland in that Covid restricted period..
I put my successful recovery down to the wonderful treatment and dedication all round.

Vinaka Vakalevu.

Eleanor Eyre

I am completely satisfied with my experience with the Auckland Cardio team.  I was well informed during all phases of my mitral valve replacement and the post op care and attention was very professional.  The facilities and staff at Mercy Ascot hospital were exceptional.  I particularly wish to thank Dr. Peter Alison for the expert care he provided to me.
Aaron Dean

Dear ACT team,
My sincere gratitude and appreciation for all the support and overall care provided by Dr Parma Nand and his team during my recent trip to NZ for CABG procedure.  I was very happy and impressed with the level of care I received.  Information provided by Dr Nand before surgery was very informative and reassuring and put me at ease, and I knew from the start that I was in the best capable hands for this treatment. The procedure was successful with no complications and I felt very relieved. The excellent care post surgery helped immensely with the speed of recovery and my family I were nicely surprised that I was able to recover so fast and so well. The post surgery information was very useful in guiding me on how to care for myself and getting back to normal life.

I would also like to express my special thanks to Sweety Mody for organizing this procedure and all the coordination and documentation she provided with organizing visa and MOH approval for COVID exemption travel, without your great help Sweety this would  have not been possible and for me travel for my treatment. Your excellent coordination and customer service made the process very hassle free for us.

From Yogendra Kant
Yogendra Kant

I am extremely satisfied with the whole experience, the information imparted before the surgery was excellent ,the care and attention during my stay in hospital was first rate and the follow up care is progressing.

Forever Grateful.

Frank Cave

I just wanted to thank the most fantastic team in Mercy CTU.

I am not sure where to start with my appreciation of the team there. I felt safe, well cared for  , and thoroughly spoilt and looked after right from my first contact with you Sweety.

The entire surgery team under Parma:

The ICU team for putting up with my dramatics no doubt,  sorry can’t remember their names…..drugs.

The nursing team

Frankie, Maryssa, Zoe, Haley, Lalita, Lucille, Kim, Maureen, Aimee, Helen , Maureen  and I know I will have missed some sorry.

Physio  Konnie, Roz and Kim

The support  staff,  kitchen staff,  cleaning team.

From the bottom of my brand new aorta I wish to Thankyou all so very much.  It was such a privilege to come to Mercy Private Hospital.

I am now resting up at home and as much as I love you all, I do not wish to catch up again soon. Xx

Lynda Graham

I am delighted to write a review of the services and support I received from the Auckland Cardiothoracic Team.  To start with, I was completely asymptomatic and yet, could see the on-screen information that I needed ByPass surgery. The information provided was exceptional and the support most wonderful. I cannot even think of anything more the team could do for me and I will always be grateful to Dr Parma for giving me a new lease on Life. Dr Parma & Sweety are dedicated to every patient and visit everyday to know that you are doing well. His presence is reassuring and my follow-up care was so personal and I cannot thank the team enough.

Dr Loyola Correa