After surgery when you get home, if you are feeling unwell or have significant concerns regarding your recovery we want to know about it.

You have three options

  1. For more minor problems consult your general practitioner during practice hours. If you happen to do so, we welcome your doctor contacting us for advice or to tell us of  any significant concerns. Most problems by definition are relatively minor and we can often allay concerns or recommend any tests needed to exclude more important problems.
  2. You are welcome to contact us directly – either via Sweety in the rooms or if necessary via the switchboard operator at Auckland City Hospital. If needed , we can arrange either a review on the ward or sometimes it is more appropriate to be seen at Auckland City Hospital where a registrar may be available to at least perform an initial assessment.
  3. If you feel critically unwell or it is late at night you can always call an ambulance where you will usually be taken to the nearest public Hospital accident and emergency department. Many problems can be assessed easily by taking a blood pressure, ECG, blood tests and a chest x-ray. Again we would rather be contacted and made aware of your predicament regardless of time or day.

Once again if you are having problems or concerns please get in touch with us and we can probably help and or reassure or take the necessary steps to get your recovery back on track.